Optimizing EHR System For Enhanced Healthcare Efficiency

Having completed the implementation, live deployment, and all the meticulous planning, configuration, testing, and training involved in getting the Electronic Health Record (EHR) system up and running smoothly, one might assume that the most challenging part is behind. However, that’s not the case. The journey continues with the crucial task of EHR optimization, emphasizing that the work is still far from complete.

Contrary to the common assumption that making the Electronic Health Record (EHR) operational marks the final stage in a health and care ecosystem, it is, in fact, just the starting point. Once the system is implemented within the framework, an entire set of processes awaits attention and execution.


The ongoing set of processes that extend well beyond the launch of Electronic Medical Records is termed EHR Optimization. This process, a major healthcare trend in 2018, is expected to persist in the foreseeable future. The entire optimization procedure is conducted to guarantee that the solution consistently delivers its intended functionalities effectively and seamlessly, as initially envisioned.


Before delving into the characteristics of an effective EHR and the phases defining the comprehensive optimization process, let’s examine the current EHR market. This market has played a pivotal role in the evolution of healthcare from version 1.0 to 3.0, rendering questions like the meaning of EHR or the purpose of an EHR system obsolete.


Considering the upward trajectory of growth in the EHR market, it’s reasonable to assume that you’re either contemplating integrating the system into your ecosystem or have already done so. In either scenario, before delving into the optimization aspect, it becomes significantly more crucial to understand the key components that define a high-quality EHR system.

Therefore, let’s explore the elements that constitute a strong EHR solution, an area we have thoroughly examined as the forefront healthcare app development company.

What Does a Good EHR Solution Entail?

By the standardized criteria set by the healthcare industry, here are three specific factors that assist in evaluating the effectiveness of an Electronic Health Record System:

Have clear claims data for identifying when tests were performed?

An EHR system cannot be considered genuinely effective unless it accepts and analyzes all claims data. The system must inform medical stakeholders about when patients receive treatment, care, or vaccinations while alerting them to existing care gaps. This functionality reduces the risks patients face by ensuring they receive the necessary care when needed.


A Scope of High Customization

The ability to customize an EHR according to the specific needs of stakeholders is crucial for enhancing patient care through the system. If individualized customization for each customer appears burdensome, the system should, at a minimum, offer sufficient customization options for various medical practices.


Integration and Connection

The design of the EHR should facilitate seamless integration into revenue cycle management and practice workflow management. Additionally, it should be structured to incorporate messaging and e-prescribing functionality, as both contribute significantly to improving the speed and quality of care, ultimately enhancing patient outcomes.

These factors serve as benchmarks for assessing the effectiveness of EHR in the healthcare industry. Armed with this knowledge, you have a foundation to evaluate whether immediate EHR optimization is necessary.

Regardless of your current inclination, the analysis of workflows and the implementation of EHR are inevitable steps that cannot be postponed indefinitely. There will come a point when your solution must undergo various optimization phases.

Getting you ready for the future, here are the three phases your EHR Optimization process will undergo.

Phases of EHR Optimization


Optimization Activities aimed at enhancing clinical efficiency, it is crucial to comprehend the sequential phases in which optimization occurs.

Here are the three stages through which optimization progresses, delineating the advantages of electronic health records.


  • Stabilization: During this phase, providers regain productivity levels comparable to those before the go-live stage. All medium and high-priority issues stemming from the initial implementation are addressed. The majority of EHR users should demonstrate a fundamental level of competency in utilizing the system.
  • Proficiency: This stage involves addressing the issues identified during the implementation process. Practices are adopted and sustained according to the intended workflows. All stakeholders should now exhibit an operational and functional level of efficiency.
  • Improvement: At this juncture, the support and training process is structured around specific performance-related objectives driven by metrics. The emphasis is on making performance improvement an ongoing and continuous process.


An essential aspect of EHR optimization is recognizing the opportune moment to get ready for the process.


Now that we have explored the distinct phases, providing insight into the progression of the EHR optimization process, let’s examine the strategies to prepare for optimizing your EHR system.

How to Prepare for EHR Optimization

Recognizing the right time to optimize the EHR solution is a challenging task. Several factors need consideration to adequately prepare for optimizing the EHR system, aiming for improved clinical decision-making and operational effectiveness.

Explore the following methods to assess your current EHR Optimization Strategies and determine if optimization is required:

How to Prepare for EHR Optimization

1. Conducting Interviews of End-Users

Begin by examining the daily operations of end-users. Seek feedback from employees regarding areas that require improvement and those that are performing well. Based on this input, evaluate the utilization of the end-user system.

2. Assess the Process of Data Collection

How data is gathered significantly influences everything from direct decision-making in patient care to activating alerts for best practices. It is essential to ensure that accurate data is collected in the appropriate format. Equally crucial is to ensure that the entire workflow aligns with the provider’s perspective on aggregated data.

3. Do a Usability Study

Evaluating how clinicians engage with the EHR involves assessing their interactions with clinical and hardware tools. During usability testing, it is crucial to examine documentation points where data transitions from free form to discrete or vice versa. Additionally, consider analyzing whether there is an opportunity to incorporate groundbreaking technologies such as Blockchain to revolutionize your healthcare services.

4. Analyzing the Care Quality

Compile a comprehensive list of all clinical variations within the organization. Examine the cost and supply trends across high-volume and high-cost scenarios. Subsequently, identify appropriate care standards for these conditions and assess whether the EHR system facilitates the transition to these standards.

5. Studying the Revenue Streams

Evaluate the capability of your EHR system to conduct thorough root cause analyses of claims denials and backlog, aiming to reduce them. Ensure that your EHR can automate the entire authorization process through healthcare workflow optimization. If there are any gaps or delays in the process, it signals the need for optimization.

Having explored the characteristics of a strong EHR solution, the various stages of EHR optimization, and preparation methods, the upcoming and final segment of this article will delve into the effective optimization of your existing EHR system to maximize its value.

EHR Optimization Best Practices

How to Optimize Your Present EHR System

  • Lower the Overload of Information
  • Specialize in the Clinical Workflow
  • Add Health IT Tools in the Mix
  • Work With a Reliable EHR Provider


Lower the Overload of Information

EHR developers and medical stakeholders commonly aim to provide physicians with comprehensive clinical and health data at the point of care. However, it’s crucial to recognize that an excessive amount of data can impede caregivers’ efficiency, as they may find themselves spending a significant amount of time sifting through a vast pool of information.

Therefore, it is essential to revisit the redesign of physicians’ note templates. Our team of EHR developers recommends implementing an accordion display in the notes section. This design approach involves showing only the crucial patient data initially and concealing the remaining information until the user clicks for further details.

Specialize in the Clinical Workflow

At Digiatto IT Services, we are eager to collaborate with healthcare organizations to tailor clinical workflows to meet the specific requirements of individual care settings, health systems, hospitals, and other care environments.

Based on our experience, we’ve observed that customizing workflows to display information frequently used by providers in specific specialties facilitates easier navigation of EHRs for users.

Developing individual workflows empowers providers to efficiently access relevant information in patient EHRs.

Add Health IT Tools in the Mix

Incorporating IT-based health tools into the EHR system, such as the influence of Google Cloud Healthcare API, can enhance clinic processes and care delivery. However, it’s crucial to strike a balance, as making the EHR overly technical may divert physicians from their primary responsibilities. Therefore, prioritizing usability is essential before introducing any new tools into the solution.

Our recommendation is to incorporate IT functionalities into the mobile platform accessible to medical practitioners. This allows them to leverage technological tools during hospital rounds or home visits.

Additionally, when integrating an IT tool with the EHR solution, it is imperative to ensure minimal log-ins and easy accessibility for providers on the move. This approach preserves usability and facilitates effective care coordination.

Work With a Reliable EHR Provider

The subsequent phase in optimizing your existing EHR solution or initiating its planning is to collaborate with a reliable EHR provider well-versed in the intricate details of the entire process, and possessing the expertise to enhance efficiency.

Without the assistance of an EHR provider, there’s a likelihood of overlooking areas that require adjustments and aspects that are better left untouched for the time being. They play a crucial role in providing insights into what needs modification and what areas can be left as is, contributing to an overall enhanced value in the system experience.

Now, you possess comprehensive knowledge of optimizing your current EHR system. If you require further insights into EHR systems, delve into our in-depth article on constructing an EHR system, or contact our team of EHR service providers today!

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